Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach – biography, photos, poems, now

Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach
Date of Birth:2 january 1977 year
Place of Birth:Leningrad, USSR
Family status:divorced
Social networks:VK | YouTube

Likhach Elena Aleksandrovna (she is also known under the pseudonym Elena Likhach) is a poetess from the city on the Neva, winner of the Golden Pen on Vyatka Prize, nominee for the Sergei Yesenin My Russia Prize. The poetess dates her creative beginning in 2003 and still pleases fans with heart-burning lines.

Elena’s childhood and youth

Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach (Elena Likhach) was born on January 2, 1977 in the glorious city of Leningrad into a family of hardworking native Petersburgers and thus joined the ranks of the family in the third generation. The girl’s father, Alexander Fedorovich, worked at the Severnaya Verf shipyard, and her mother, Marina Leonidovna, worked as a mathematics teacher.

Elena Likhach showed an extraordinary interest in art and creation since childhood. According to the future poetess, her grandparents, who live on Ligovsky Prospekt, influenced her creative development. In a cozy apartment, she listened to the piano, on which her grandmother taught lessons.

But it was Elena’s grandfather who instilled a love for literature, who had a large book library and read the biographies of famous poets of Russian literary creativity by heart. As Elena says, grandfather had a phenomenal memory for poems and works, so he could talk for hours and thereby interested the girl more and more.

School years of Elena Likhach

When it came time to choose a school for young Elena Alexandrovna, the parents listened to the opinion of their grandmother, who noted her sensitive ear and ability to music. They sent the girl to a music school in piano for the development of a creative streak.

Studying was easy, she pleased her relatives with her achievements and good grades. At solo concerts, Likhach Elena overcame stage fright and learned to perform in front of the public with dignity, which helped in later life.

Developing her creativity, the girl tried to succeed in physical development, so from an early age she attended the fencing section and participated in city and regional competitions. But, having received a master of sports, the girl injured her knee and no longer developed this direction of sports.

A test of the pen and the first achievements

All the poets known today began to create from the school bench, and Elena Likhach was no exception. Even at her desk, the future poetess sketched lines in a notebook, which remained there … Moreover, there were an uncountable number of such notebooks. As Elena herself says: “I threw out notebooks with verses in tons, because it seemed to me that all this was terrible nonsense and mediocrity.”
Perfectionism killed many aspiring poets, but the girl eventually learned to accept her work and show it to the world.

Elena Alexandrovna Likhach did not stop creating, only slightly changed the vector and switched to songwriting. At that time, Russian rock was very popular. The poetess wrote songs for rock bands known at that time: Chimera, Search for Comets, Vosstaniya Square, Barcode. And so the youth of the girl in the style of rock and roll passed.

Higher education and early career

Elena Likhach graduated from school with honors and without any problems entered St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Foreign Languages ​​in the Field of International Relations.

The choice of specialty was influenced by children’s hobbies for foreign languages ​​and the ability to study them. At the Likhach University, Elena studied English and French, which she mastered by the end of the university completely and fluently spoke in society.

After graduating from St. Petersburg State University in 2001, she got a job in her specialty and worked as a professional translator.

Elena Likhach’s career

Poetry did not fade into the background, and Elena continued to create, publishing her first collection in 2003, “At the bottom of Petersburg wells.” She calls her hometown Leningrad her muse. Walking under the gloomy sky of the city, she was inspired by new lines that will touch the heart of the reader. This collection made the girl popular and added new fans of her work.

Having received the first success, Likhach Elena continued to develop as a creator. And in 2007, from her pen, a new collection was published in honor of her anniversary, “The Thirtieth Spring”.
In vivid images, she described her vision of spring beauty and added notes of nostalgia for childhood. Conventionally, the theme of all poems could be divided into three parts: landscape, love and philosophical lyrics.

Creative experiments

The girl did not stop at classical poetry and participated in experiments with pleasure. Poetic battles are the same rap battles that are known to many, but in a more intelligent and pure manner of performance. Elena always kept herself confident, which was facilitated by solo concerts in her childhood.

In search of inspiration, Elena Likhach went to different countries and studied the culture and creativity of Europe with pleasure. She named Barcelona and Rome as her favourites. Moreover, she had no problems with communication, because the work of a translator removed all language barriers and allowed her to enjoy the culture of any countries.

Digitalization of creativity of Elena Likhach

Now Elena’s work can be found on the Internet, there is a personal website elenalikhach.ru, where the poetess shares new collections and poems. The poetess actively develops her social networking pages and tries to maintain a conversation with her audience of fans. Elena put the main emphasis on the development of the Yandex.Zen account.

The poetess herself speaks about her ambitions:

«I would like that in a few years, even if not in a literature lesson,
and at least at a break, some schoolboy read
a few of my lines.»

Personal life of Elena Likhach

Now Elena Alexandrovna is divorced and independently brings up two daughters of 15 and 9 years old. So far, children do not share mom’s hobby, but who knows what will happen in the future?

As the poetess herself admitted, poetry for her is more of a hobby than a way of earning money, therefore she works at her favorite job as a translator. Elena Likhach loves to communicate with the Petersburg intelligentsia and attends events dedicated to literature and creativity, as well as book exhibitions. At the moment, the third collection of poems is being prepared for release in full swing.

In her free time, the poetess reads Russian classics and most of all admires the works of Boris Pasternak. He is the author of the immortal work Doctor Zhivago and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1958. Jokingly, Elena says that if she manages to write something so touching, then she will not rhyme another line.

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  1. Даша Кочеткова

    Ради прикола отправила свой стих Елене Александровне Лихач в директ, понимала, что никто мне не ответит, но вдруг. Вечером пришло сообщение от поэтессы с одобрением моего стиха. Я в шоке, она даже прочла мое творение и с легкостью ответила незнакомому человеку. Надоедать не буду, но все же иногда буду скидывать)) Писать в комментариях я не решаюсь, но еще никто мне из писателей не отвечал)

  2. Анна Зимина

    Почитала стихи Елены Лихач, решила, что такое и я смогу написать. Села, написала 2 строчки и больше не смогла придумать рифму)) Беру свои слова обратно, написать даже четверостишье со смыслом и рифмой – это сложно.

  3. Судорженко Аня

    Мне всегда нравилась поэзия Елены Лихач. Давным-давно знаю о ее творчестве. Надолго она прекращала писать. Возможно, и писала, но не издавала никаких сборников. И только в этом году я вновь услышала о ней в интернет. Оказывается, она успела уже развестись, что неожиданно для меня. Я помню ее стихи, наполненные любовью, которая чувствовалась с первой строки. Теперь все иначе, но не менее круто написано. Жду новый сборник и ваше творчество.

  4. Диана

    Знаю девочек Елены Лихач, замечательные дети, прекрасно воспитаны и начитаны. Я занималась с ними репетиторством некоторое время. Так и узнала, что рядом с нами живет поэт современного жанра. Сама не раз читала ее сборники, остались положительные впечатления.
